


Cortona, Biblioteca Etrusca
MS 380 (ex 297), Datable to the 17th century

380 numbered chapters with headings,  26 illustrations
No Table of Contents

Opinione di Leonardo da Vinci. Modo di dipingere prospettive, ombre, lontananze, altezze, bassezze da vicino, da lontano et altro, et precetti di pittura

Possible Florentine provenance

See detailed description and analysis GO

This manuscript was made by a single scribe, who copied first the entire text, leaving appropriate space on the page to insert the illustrations, which he drew using the same ink after he had finished copying the text. The poor quality of the illustrations and the fact that they were drawn with the same ink as the text suggest that the same scribe was responsible for both text and images. The last 10 chapters (chapters 370-380, fols. 268-290), are not by Leonardo, but by Federico Zuccari, although they are presented graphically as a continuation of Leoanrdo's text. This manuscript also contains a two-page section dedicated to the "Proportioni del Corpo Humano" (fols. 290r-290v).
In 1749 it is documented in the Accademia etrusca.
Physical Description
Fols. 290 + [4], 21.2 x 15.2 cm , in folio fols. 1-268: Treatise on painting; fols. 268-290: excerpts from Federico Zuccari, Idea de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti, Turin 1607: fols. 291-291: "Proportioni del corpo humano"
Not known
Steinitz, Treatise on Painting, 1958, p. 64 (B, 20).
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