


Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
MS 5372 (ex MS It.IV.130), 16th – 17th century

344 numbered chapters with headings,  no illustrations
No Table of Contents

Scritti di Leonardo da Vinci intorno alla Pittura

Francesco Morosini; Nani; Antonio Cocchi; Someschi, Della Salute

Milanese provenance documented by watermark

See detailed description and analysis GO

The watermark is similar to the watermark found in M2 and in MM, thus suggesting the Milanese provenance of the manuscript and a date ot the first half of the 17th century, probably in connection with the editorial work carried out by Galeazzo Arconati between 1634 and 1639 (Barone 2011).
Physical Description
[3] + fols. 1-89 + [3], 28 x 20 cm ,
Three-petalled flower with letters at bottom
Steinitz, Treatise on Painting,1958, p. 60 (B, 18); Barone, “Cassiano dal Pozzo's manuscript copy of the Trattato: new evidence of editorial procedures and responses to Leonardo in the seventeenth century” Raccolta Vinciana, 35 (2011), pp. 223-286; Sconza, La réception du Libro di pittura de Léonard de Vinci: de la mort de l’auteur à la publication du Trattato della pittura (Paris 1651). Ph.D. Diss. Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle Paris III and Università degli Studi di Macerata, 2007.
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